Keeping Your Baby Cool During Hot Summer Nights

Summer can be a challenging season for keeping your baby safe and comfortable while sleeping. To make sure your little one stays cool and content during the warm summer nights, check out some of our expert tips.

 Be Mindful of the Nursery Temperature.

If you have air conditioning, we recommend setting it between 64° and 68° F. If you do not have air-conditioning, there are some quick and easy tricks you can do to help cool down your baby’s room.

Did you know that you can create a mini homemade air-conditioner? By placing a frozen water bottle in front of a fan, you can cool the room down much more efficiently than by using a fan alone. Make sure, however, that the fan doesn't point directly towards your baby. 

 During the day, when temperatures are at their peak, keep the curtains or blinds in the nursery closed but the windows open. You may be surprised by how much this little hack works to cool the room.

Choose the Right Sleepwear.

Overdressing a baby can lead to overheating which has been linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Babies do not have the ability to regulate their own body temperature like adults do, so it’s important to make sure they’re not overheating, especially during the night. 

Dress your baby in lightweight garments, preferably made from all-natural fibers like cotton, linen, or merino wool, which are breathable and absorb perspiration. Merino wool has unmatched body temperature regulation properties, which does not only mean better and healthier sleep for your baby, but it also means a safer sleep all round. Remember, the temperature in most rooms will rise and fall throughout the night, so dressing your baby in a lightweight merino will ensure they are comfortable all night. If your baby still seems hot, it's fine for him to sleep in just his diaper.

Check Your Baby’s Body Temperature.

Regularly check your baby’s body temperature by placing a hand on their tummy or behind their neck. Please note that touching a baby’s hands and feet are generally not good indications of their actual body temperature.

If you notice that your baby is sweaty, you should remove an article of clothing. You can also place a cool and damp cloth on your baby’s forehead and neck during her feeding.

You will want to remove waterproof sheets and any unnecessary bedding from your baby's crib while the weather is hot. Also, If you co-sleep with your baby, make sure your own bedding is well away from him at all times.

If your baby falls asleep in his bassinet, keep an eye on him, as bassinets can quickly become hot and airless.

To help get your baby comfortable before bed, try a cool bath. Be sure to test the bathwater by feeling it with your wrist to ensure that it is, in fact, cool and not cold.

Keep Up the Liquids.

In order to prevent dehydration, give your baby a steady amount of liquids. Breastfed babies do not need both water and breast milk. You may, however, need to breastfeed more than usual overnight.

If you are bottle-feeding, you can try giving your baby cooled boiled water in between their usual milk or formula feedings. For bottle-fed babies, try offering their milk at room temperature, or colder. This will greatly help them cool them down before bed.

For any additional questions or concerns, please contact your pediatrician who can give further advice or instruction on this topic.